This week’s paresha is Noach

Everything We Do Matters
Commentary on Parashat Noach
By Rabbi Stacy Rigler
Aware of how broken the world was, Noah had the opportunity to act– to rise above destruction and contribute to rebirth by saving his family and the animals. I wonder what it would be like to be offered a choice to save our world. How would I respond? Would I recognize the voice of God? Would I seize the opportunity to lead?
Parashat Noach Haiku
By Rebecca Tullman (she/her) 
at Babel we learn
build up your community
not silly towers
Noach CommentariesExplore additional Noach commentaries to better understand the parashah.
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Weekly Torah Portion: NoachGenesis 6‍‍:‍9‍−1‍1‍:‍3‍2 ‍‍
Ten Minutes of TorahReform Voices of Torah“God sent You”Commentary on Parashat B’reishit
By Rabbi Stacy RiglerWhen I was a student at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR), I spent the summer at Beth Israel hospital as a chaplain in a clinical pastoral education program. That summer was the first time I had been in a multi-faith environment surrounded by other faith leaders. I sat by the bedside of a man who was dying and his wife who couldn’t come to terms with what was happening. I told my supervisor, “I don’t understand why the doctors don’t help; perhaps the nurses could explain the medical reality.” My supervisor simply replied, “God sent you.”READ MOREParashat B’reishit Haiku
By Rebecca Tullman (she/her) 
in the beginning
Oneness breathed us into life
we are unityB’reishit CommentariesExplore additional B’reishit commentaries to better understand the parashah.
Ten Minutes of TorahReform Voices of Torah
You Shall Have Joy
Commentary on Parashat Chol HaMo-eid Sukkot
By Rabbi Jacqueline Mates-Muchin

Have you ever had someone tell you, “You should be happy!”? Did it work? Were you instantaneously happier because someone commanded you to be so? Likely, your answer is, “no.”Emotions are difficult to command. And it is very possible that the other person knew that they couldn’t make you feel something. Perhaps they were trying to point out that, if you look at a situation from a different angle, a new understanding might spark joyful feelings. READ MORE

Chol HaMo-eid Sukkot CommentariesExplore additional Chol HaMo-eid Sukkot commentaries to better understand the parashah.