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A Welcoming Intimate Reform Jewish Community in Winnipeg

If you are searching for a welcoming, progressive Jewish community, more powerful connection to Judaism, fresh approaches to life-long Jewish learning and opportunities to help change the world, come join the Temple Shalom family. The temple offers a weekly Shabbat Service, Friday Night Live, Torah Study, Adult Education and Adult Hebrew Classes as well as a Religious School for your children.Our congregation will be delighted to have you drop in for a visit. Temple Shalom is accessible for people with limited mobility and is a scent-free environment.
Upcoming Program

The Shabbat of Singing — Shabbat Shirah


Celebrate Tu B’Shevat — Annual Watercolour Painting Class

Special Events

Tu B’Shevat Paint Afternoon — Under 50? Join Us!

Latest News

Vaera (5785) by Myriam Saitman

I invite you to bring to mind the image of Moses popularized in the western world. What is coming to your mind? The horned, long-haired sculpture by renaissance artist Michelangelo or the bearded, blue-eyed Charlton Heston in the old movie The 10 Commandments? Regardless of the image you conjured up, both shared a common...
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Passover Seder Planning Committee

We are excited to announce that, once again, we will be hosting the Passover Second Seder at Temple Shalom on Sunday, April 13, 2025. We are holding a Passover planning committee to help plan the evening. Last year's seder was a sold-out, a resounding success. We are excited to create another meaningful seder for...
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What We Believe
What We Believe

Reform Judaism sees the Torah as a living document that enables us to confront the timeless, timely challenges of our everyday lives.

The Reform Jewish Movement believes there is more than one authentic way to be Jewish and that Judaism must change and adapt to the needs of the day to survive. The Union for Reform Judaism’s legacy, reach, leadership, and vision ensure we can unite thousands of years of tradition with modern experience to strengthen Judaism today and for generations to come.

What We Do
What We Do

“Be like the disciples of Aaron, loving peace and pursuing peace, loving people and bringing them closer to Torah.” – Pirkei Avot 1:12

The Union for Reform Judaism strives to create a more whole, just, and compassionate world. We motivate and mobilize people from diverse backgrounds to participate and deepen their engagement in Jewish life in ways that ultimately transform themselves, their communities, and the world at large.

Who We Are
Who We Are

The Union for Reform Judaism leads the largest Jewish movement in North America.

Our Judaism is for everyone. It is egalitarian, intellectually rigorous, joyful, spiritual, pluralistic, and constantly evolving. It is soul-elevating spiritual practice, life-altering Torah study, courageous practice of tikkun olam, loving care for our community, especially the most vulnerable — that is what we are. — Rabbi Rick Jacobs, URJ President

Land Acknowledgement

Temple Shalom Winnipeg is Located on Treaty 1 Territory

We are grateful to the First Nations and Metis traditional keepers of this land for their stewardship and for their grace in sharing it with us.

Adonai, whose care is for all living things, grant us the courage to work for peace and to remedy the wrongs of the past, even when the price is painful so that the land will be a blessing to all its inhabitants, its neighbours and to all who journey in this world.