If you are searching for a welcoming, progressive Jewish community, more powerful connection to Judaism, fresh approaches to life-long Jewish learning and opportunities to help change the world, come join the Temple Shalom family. The temple offers a weekly Shabbat Service, Friday Night Live, Torah Study, Adult Education and Adult Hebrew Classes as well as a Religious School for your children.Our congregation will be delighted to have you drop in for a visit. Temple Shalom is accessible for people with limited mobility and is a scent-free environment.
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Vaera (5785) by Myriam Saitman
I invite you to bring to mind the image of Moses popularized in the western world. What is coming to your mind? The horned, long-haired sculpture by renaissance artist Michelangelo or the bearded, blue-eyed Charlton Heston in the old movie The 10 Commandments? Regardless of the image you conjured up, both shared a common...
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Passover Seder Planning Committee
We are excited to announce that, once again, we will be hosting the Passover Second Seder at Temple Shalom on Sunday, April 13, 2025. We are holding a Passover planning committee to help plan the evening. Last year's seder was a sold-out, a resounding success. We are excited to create another meaningful seder for...
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